Sunday 9 April 2017

[Tool]Successful people aren't Demi-Gods with insane willpower and incredible productivity skills. They are normal people who understood the importance of the small seemingly insignificant daily disciplines. They understood how these disciplines leveraged with time could make them unstoppable.

Wtf is time? The human mind has a bad perception of time. Sure we understand 'clock time' and deadlines, but we really are myopic when it comes to understanding the fundamental power of time. It is hard for us to grasp how the small actions we make on a daily basis can have dramatic consequences when leveraged with the power of time. How many times have you told yourself you would “do it tomorrow”, only to realise that a couple of weeks flew by and you still hadn’t done the thing? Bad perception of time 101.

Hey guys I understand that this is a long post so I have made a quick motivational video covering all of this that you can check out here:► WATCH THIS

Instant gratification Society To make things worse we live in a society where instant gratification is the normal. We assume that we should get results quick in everything we do. We watch training montages in movies like Rocky and expect to get similar results in the real world. We go online and want ‘instant’ access, ‘instant downloads’ everything needs to be quick. We read 'Think and Grow Rich' and expect to make millions of dollars within a year.

The truth The truth of success is not sexy, it's nothing like those rocky montages with the good music in the background. Success stems from the mundane. Success comes from making the right choices, keeping your daily disciplines consistently and allowing time to use its leveraging power to work its magic. People have a skewed perception in which they believe that successful people are Demi-Gods of willpower and discipline. That these people are cut from a different cloth.

In reality most successful people have just understood the power of daily disciplines, they have learned about the leveraging power of time. The power of the small easy things:

• Meditating for 20 minutes a day is easy

• Reading a non-fiction book for 20 minutes a day is easy

• Exercising for 30 -40 minutes a day is easy

• Getting 0.1% better at your craft a day is easy

• Saving a little bit of money/ putting some in investments is easy

All these things are easy, but they are also easy to not do. Unfortunately for us we have a mind that has adapted to take the path of least resistance when making choices. This tendency along with the bad perception of how time leverages the small daily disciplines is why most people fail. Time and persistence is king! Remember that the Grand Canyon was formed by water. Water flows over millions of years ( time is the great leverage, you won’t need that long though). Working on success isn’t a sprint it’s a marathon, the answer is not sexy, but however is the truth. Hey guys make sure you checkout the video and support the channel!


Submitted April 10, 2017 at 04:13AM by therealized

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