Sunday 30 April 2017

[Story] A Tesla

I'm a college student who works part time as a guard. My work site is filled with cars that are imported/exported weekly. This week they brought in Teslas....and I was amazed. All the cars have their car keys inside that way they can transport them with ease. So I go to the car and there isn't a doorknob/handle, instead there was a button shaped handle that was flat, I pressed it and BAM a doorknob appeared. I couldn't help but laugh with excitement. The interior was amazing and everything.

I daydreamed and saw a better me driving that car in the future. A me with a fit body, a me with a successful job, a me as a (hopefully) great father/husband. I was just fired up and wanted to start working hard and improve myself.

That's about it. Now I'm going to take summer class to graduate faster. Learn a couple useful programs/skills in the summer as well. The toughest thing I will focus on is to lose 40lbs by the end of this year!

2017 is going to be my year!

Submitted May 01, 2017 at 05:27AM by Sol-eks

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