Saturday, 29 April 2017

[Discussion]Jeff Bezos, "What Does Day 2 Look Like?"

*I found this letter to Amazon shareholders to be incredibly motivating.

Tldr; "Day 2 is stasis. Followed by irrelevance. Followed by excruciating, painful decline. Followed by death. And that is why it's always Day 1."

My favorite Day 1 Defense that Bezos references is:

High-Velocity Decision Making

We could spend all day trying to make the best decision possible. However if we did that, it would be Day 2 already.

  1. Never use a one-size-fits-all decision-making process. Many decisions are reversible and you can learn just as much from a wrong decision as you can a right one. There is no perfect template for every decision.

  2. Most decisions should be make with somewhere around 70% of the information you wish you had. Waiting until 90% will likely take as long as it did to get to 70% and you'll only get the last 10% through executing on the idea.

  3. "Disagree and Commit." Use this phrase when you know you will not be convinced that a course of action is correct, however you will commit to the idea. I plan to try this with coworkers. We evaluate processes all of the time and can spend a good amount of time debating where neither side has much better that a 50:50 win ratio, so there is a lot of wind only to have the same odds of coming out on top.

  4. Recognize true misalignment issues early and escalate them immediately. Sometimes teams and people will disagree. Without a single point of leadership, the two sides can bash heads until both sides are exhausted.

(Full Disclosure: I have 1 AMZN share, however I don't believe my post violates any reddit self-promo rules based on that quantity?, yes I get my annual reports by mail)

Submitted April 29, 2017 at 12:34PM by True_Go_Blue

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