Sunday 9 April 2017

[Discussion] How to balance things you *have* to do vs things you want to do?

I'm sure this question has been asked before but it's kind of hard to search for.

I have a shitload of stuff going on right now. I'm working on running two wildly different businesses, remodeling my house myself and managing housework. I don't often have external motivation, like someone setting a deadline for me.

Some days I get so overwhelmed by the projects on my plate I end up avoiding doing anything. In my mind it's like "I really need to do X but I'd rather work on Y but Y isn't important but still needs to be done, Z really needs to be done today but I hate doing Z (repeat for 36 different things that need to be done)... I'll just watch netflix for a while until I decide..." ... 5 hours later...

So, how do you prioritize? I don't just want to be working on things I hate doing all day.

Submitted April 10, 2017 at 02:21AM by KingCarnivore

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