For the past several months I have been finding myself constantly bored with nothing to do after completing my schoolwork and it's starting to kill me from the inside out. Ever since I got bored of video games and went cold turkey I find myself just looking out the window watching the fucking clouds move, and I'm getting restless. I don't have many real friends (the ones that would take a bullet for you and not disappear when they don't need you) and I think a big impact from quitting games is no meaningful social interaction. I even tried to talk to people but everyone is apathetic to me almost passively aggressive. So what are some things I could do to stimulate myself and how should I go about doing it?
EDIT: I am not considering suicide or drugs nor am I depressed, moreso just unhappy most of the time and hopefully trying to turn it around again.
Submitted April 09, 2017 at 11:46AM by OpticCookies
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