Sunday, 2 April 2017

[Story] Feel like I'm wasting away and all my efforts to better my life are useless.

I'm 19 and I grew up in a really weird small town. Wen I graduated high school I went straight to a 4 year university and had a blast there. I had plenty of friends, always had something to do or at least someone to hangout with. Things got a little rough for me emotionally the second semester and I lost financial aid. Losing financial aid meant that I had to leave the school, go home and go to community college.

Since being back home, I've basically lost all the friends at had in college and lost the ones I thought I had when I came back. I failed every single class I had in 2016 besides one (it was a film class, all we did was watch movies and write). I came into 2017 hoping things would be different. I've started to collect CDs and became a regular at a couple record stores. Got a dog so I could have someone to spend some time with. Been trying the dog and I love it to death. The last couple weeks I've been looking for a job and have a couple interviews this week. I don't drink at all unless it's a couple beers with the family as I don't do any drugs besides weed and I just recently quit that. I've even managed to be passing all my classes at the moment. Even though I have made some progress this year, it feels like there's nothing to show. I still have almost no friends. The ones I do hangout with both have a wife and kids so I don't get to kick it with them much. My other friend in town is a little reclusive and likes to hangout alone on his computer a lot of the time. I've tried talking to a couple girls here and there but it never seems to go anywhere. What am I doing wrong? I just want to live life and have some fun again, and I'd like to have someone special to share some of this fun with. I spend so much time alone and even when I try to fill up the time, I still feel like I have no one by my side who cares. I just want to meet someone who seems like they want to spend time with me just as much as I want to spend time with them. What advice can you guys give me to help get me motivated and hopefully a girlfriend?

Submitted April 03, 2017 at 11:36AM by ForgetfulName294

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