Saturday 25 February 2017

[Story] Overcoming an Online Video Game Addiction

Hello everyone,

I do not really post on Reddit but I am very proud of my accomplishments. I have to say I have finally over come my video game addiction. I hope that people who are having difficulties balancing video games and life read this and use it as motivation to succeed.

I was definitely not the worst case of video game addiction but I was bad. The way I see it you do not have to sit and play for a certain amount of time to be considered an addict. There is no equation, no "X" amount of hours. If you are neglecting responsibilities in your life you are addicted. It may be hard to admit it, although video games are fun if you are neglecting your health, work, family, friends, girlfriend or anything in real life you have a problem.

It started off small with me, I would just put off homework. I would lie to myself and say that "it's okay I will finish it tomorrow". The expression "tomorrow never comes" holds true unfortunately. Time and time again I would find myself pressed against deadlines. It started off light, I would start working on a paper a day before. Then that day before turned into 12 hours before the due time. It got so bad that I was not allowed to stay in the program I was enrolled in because my marks were so low. The sad part was, this was not enough to change me.

I missed one year of university because I was addicted to video games. I would play around 4-8 hours a day. The days I worked my job I would play around four hours. The day I was home it was a minimum of eight. The problem with online gaming is the "just one more" ideology. It's never just one more. It started getting worse. On my days off I would wake up around 11am, play on and off until 12 am. I would only eat one meal in between. I had to re apply to university by February but I was passing it all off. Even something as small as going to the doctors I put off just to play one more game (thankfully I live in Canada so it does not cost anything to miss an appointment).

I would be short with my girlfriend, sister, mother and brother. I would not see my grandmother. I would not go to the gym to take care of my health. I would not study so that I could be prepared for school. I would not eat proper meals. I would not drink water properly. I would not take care of me.

Gamers of Reddit, I ask yourself to reflect. Do finish all the things you need to before you log on to play an online game? Are you giving your family the time they need? Do you take care of your health? Are you working or trying to go to school? Are you always anxious as to when you will play your next game? Do you get upset when you lose often?

Reflect on yourselves my friends. You only have one life. Don't waste it looking at a computer screen if you haven't taken care of your responsibilities.

As of February 1st I have not played one online game. I am reading more frequently, I am studying for my upcoming year, I am going to the gym at least 5 times a week, I am spending time with my family and most importantly I am working on a better me.

Ask yourselves, will it really matter what your online rank today is in 10 years?

Good Luck

Submitted February 25, 2017 at 11:25AM by Kalishaikh

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