Friday, 30 December 2016

The forest [Story]

The forest

You’re walking through a beautiful, lush forest. The sun shines through the canopy, leaving shimmering moats of light and shadows. The forest floor glistens with a crisp fresh dew. Birds of all kinds, shapes and sizes sing a thousand melodies. Animals roam free in a beautiful ballet of life and survival. They rejoice to find the next hearty meal, the next mate to love. They cry and feel the final pain of death when they slip. A gentle breeze caresses the ferns and bushes on the forest floor. The same breeze plays a wonderful melody as it passed through the leaves above. The soil is rich and dark, full of nutrients and life. And as you walk through this forest, time itself ceases to exist. It is so beautiful and everlasting that it provides a clear window of eternal happiness and joy. It is the purest place on earth. Nothing in the universe could tarnish it. It is perfection. You could see every win, every loss, every time you laughed, every time you cried, everything you loved. It was all around you, for eternity. And then she looked away.

Time and reality comes rushing back. You are in a dimly lit room. And as she pulls her hand away, the forest starts to burn. The birds and animals squeal as they panic and flee. Many perish, and there is no explanation. The fire roars through the once peaceful and soft forest floor. The mighty trees crackle and fall. The sun is drowned out by a thick black smoke, replacing everything that was light with utter darkness. The forest stands no chance. It dies within hours. Eternal love and happiness has been replaced with slow darkness and pain. You turn and leave the room. Your body stays behind, but your mind leaves for the night. As much pain and misery as there is, you can’t help but spend the time walking through the forest, looking back at the dark void. It was once alive and strong and eternal. And while you are there you stoop down to plant a seed. Just a tiny seed of hope; if you weren’t careful it would slip through your fingers and be lost forever. But you hold on with care as you push the ashes aside and gently place the seed in the ground. And you have to return to this place of pain to water the seed often, or else it will die. If you can do this, eventually the seed will grow. And the more you visit, the faster the void will transform into a delicate place for life anew. If you are lucky, you will have help. Family and friends will help you plant more seeds. Soon you will have a young forest again. So when you see a new beautiful forest in another pair of eyes, you will be ready. Together, you can make an even stronger forest than before. The birds will return. The breeze will start playing. The light will shine through once more.

Submitted December 31, 2016 at 10:32AM by Bigmuda

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