Friday 30 December 2016

[Discussion] There are 2 ways to reach your goals. Change reality toward your goal. Or change your goal toward reality.

Imagine you write down what you're going to do tomorrow, and when you wake up, to your surprise, something in the list appears to be missing but you cant remember what. Are you happy you have less things to do? Or are you worried there was a reason you wanted to do more but you forgot what it is?

In some religions you're supposed to practice not wanting anything, so you can be happy that you're getting everything you want. Thats changing your goal to match reality. I want to want nothing too, maybe, but only if its caused by reaching my goals so theres nothing more to do, not by giving up. You cant be a loser if you dont play the game. What a great strategy.

Submitted December 31, 2016 at 03:36AM by BenRayfield

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