Wednesday 27 September 2017

[Text] Trying to kick a bad habit or addiction? A useful analogy. (Smoking, drinking, opiates, unhealthy food, etc.)

Stop looking at the destructive things you do in your life and thinking that they are in any way making u happier. They continuously drag you down lower and lower, and then they offer you illusion after illusion that they will somehow make you feel better about it. It’s like hanging from a cliff, and a hand reaches out to you to save you. You reach for it, but it just cuts your hand, leaving you hurting and still hanging. You feel more distressed, and again it reaches out to you. Panicked, you try again and it cuts you again. Cut after cut after cut. Eventually, you don’t understand why you keep reaching for it. You feel that there must be something wrong with you. In that moment, it again reaches out, promising to make you feel better about that thought too. And you guessed it… it cuts you down again. The cycle continues infinitely, and you forget what life is like not hanging from a cliff with a trickster continually destroying you.

How do you say enough is enough, and make the attempt to pull yourself up the cliff yourself? How can you tell the trickster that you know it will never help you, and you finally don’t trust it? Wisdom. See it for what it really is, what all the signs tell you over and over. Don’t allow yourself to think it will ever change. And don’t ever look at that hand with any sense of optimism. It will never ever help you, it will deceive and destroy you.

There is nothing scary about denying that malicious hand. You’ve known for a long time that it will never help you. Where you are NOW is the scary part. The good news is, your hand still works. You have absolutely nothing to lose and everything to gain when you stop believing in your illusory savior. It has nothing to offer you, it is all illusion. So don’t feel panicked that you are somehow losing your little reward or crutch. It has never been that for you, and you would not have read this if you didn't know it.

Submitted September 28, 2017 at 05:59AM by samthefireball

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