I honestly don't get it...for example, the top post right now is a quote:
“A river cuts through rock, not because of its power, but because of its persistence.” - James N. Watkins
Basically the quote comes down to saying "Be persistent, don't give up too easily". That's it really. No need to read more into it. Here are the top 4 comments (in order):
• A river has a lot of time on on its hands
• Well... it's also very very powerful.
• People should be wary of that trend of being "persistent". Persistence isnt always adequate, when employed in the wrong direction or wrong purpose. Or both.
• Rivers cut because they carry small abrasives in the course of their flow, and because of power...It absolutely cuts through rock because of its power.
Now I understand that this subreddit will attract a whole slew of people, mostly those who want a bit of motivation. Along with that we're also going to attract a lot of miserable people looking to shut down anything positive. If you try to encompass a positive message in a sentence you could tear it down a 101 ways, but my question is really for you...the community...why are messages like this upvoted?
When I click a link, I want to see messages of stories where the quote was applied in their lives. I want to hear similar quotes, I want to hear examples of perserverance. Maybe I'm the minority here, but this subreddit gets the most depressive comments on almost every post that it's getting absurd.
Submitted October 01, 2017 at 03:23AM by timdual http://ift.tt/2yPgeCU
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