Friday 1 September 2017

[Article] The Problem with Getting Motivated

For quite some time now I have been finding the internet dominated by articles and lists and apps on how to make you more productive, more efficient, more motivated.

The problem with getting more productive is that maybe you shouldn't. This article takes a serious look at the question of productivity and the economic model and existential dread it often conceals. It's a long article and the opposite of what posts in this sub generally look like (images, single quotes, etc.), promise or preach. But for some reason it was more directly motivating to me than any six second rule or top ten tips.

I didn't come back from it more efficient. I came back happier and eager to get to what I love the most.

So Reddit, what do you guys think?

Edit: Forgot to tag, then apparently posted on weekend... Third time lucky? :)

Submitted September 02, 2017 at 01:18AM by childfromthefuture

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