Sunday, 1 January 2017

[Discussion] Life is pointless/"meh"?

Hey, first post on here! I feel weird. I don't feel bad, just weird. I've been feeling like this for quite a while. Like two years or something. Let me give you some background. I'm a 16 y/o dude living in Norway. I have it well. Life is good to me. I get good grades at school (B/A), I have (some) friends, I have a nice family (my parents got divorced ~3 years ago, but that's fine). Everything is just fine.

But somehow I feel like my whole life is "meh". I don't see any point in doing anything. I have hobbies; I like video games, I play the piano, I make videos, I do some photography. I go to a school where I do things I like; photography, video game design (yes, Norway is weird and privileged), video editing etc.

I just lose motivation so quickly. "Oh, I'll play this game." Ten minutes go by. "Uh, this is boring/unrewarding/I could be doing something better/etc." Or; "Oooh, I'll make this video game." I work on it for 2 days. "I could just go back to not doing anything, and not have to do this." I've been trying different things. I don't know why this happens, really. Do I think long-term before I think short-term?

One good (recent) example of this is New Year's Eve; everyone is emotional and screaming "Happy New Year" like it's some sort of rebirth. No. The number in the calendar is different, and there's gonna be another Christmas in 12 months. That's all there is to it in my opinion.

I don't know, is there some secret to life? Am I just gonna one day wake up, feel completely different, and have endless energy to do everything?

Submitted January 02, 2017 at 01:26AM by Rafal2000

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