Saturday 13 January 2018

[Text] [OC] Find Your Fire

Maybe you’ve got the wood, the tinder, but you’re looking for the spark. The touch of light that can start everything. There’s a fire you want to tap. The fire of passion, ambition, love, accomplishment. The drive to not only think and plan, but to DO. You don’t have it now, but you know it’s real. You’ve seen it in your dreams. When you close your eyes. You can feel the heat on your cheeks. The fire in your hand. When you wake up, you need it back. When you wake up, take it with you. Reach out and steal it. Find a home inside yourself to keep it.

You are not the owner of this flame. You are a wielder. It will give you strength as you feed it. It will burn bright in the dark tunnel you aim to escape from. Let it show. Never hide your flame in fear of what others might think. Your flame will burn your meaning into the Earth. Let it burn so fiercely and brightly that it shocks you. It should. You’ve never known how powerful it was until you’ve carried it. You’ve never known how powerful you were until you’ve carried it.

There will be a time when your flame flickers. When it blows out. Sometimes other people will smother it. You might. When your mind is gone, your torch withered, and you’ve fallen down the ladder, remember the flame. If you’ve wielded it before, you can wield it again. Take it. Start again. Burn. Burn until your flame is so hot no one can put it out.

Submitted January 14, 2018 at 12:49AM by ironphan24

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