Saturday 13 January 2018

[Discussion] Please, don't run from your troubles. They won't go anywhere if you ignore them.

Here's a typical scenario. Someone feels bad, anxious, fearful etc. so they sprint, not walk, not jog but sprint to a source of comfort and that usually consists of their favorite TV show, movie,video game or social media platform. Now, that might not seem like a problem. I mean, we've heard people say time and time again to do something that'll take your mind off of the problem but as I've experienced personally, that's actually the biggest mistake someone could make.

The problem is still there, it hasn't gone anywhere. You've just turned you're back to it and when you inevitably comeback from your fantasy world of comfort and happiness, you're faced with the exact same problem and it's probably even stronger because you've given into that fear and ran away and then the cycle continues. 1. Feel anxious 2. Run & 3. Feel comfort and the harsh reality is you gain NOTHING!

Don't beat yourself up but also acknowledge that your problems aren't going to be solved until you put you're mind ON the problem and figure out how to deal with it and i hate to say it but it's probably going to suck! The biggest obstacles I've had to overcome we're achieved by doing uncomfortable things and just embracing the challenges of life.

This is just something i realized the other day as i myself am trying to get back on track. I hope it's beneficial to someone.

Submitted January 14, 2018 at 05:51AM by maneceel96

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