Friday 1 December 2017

[Discussion] Can I train myself to have this psychosomatic reaction I get when taking my Ritalin to other, non-medication things?

Let me explain. As soon as I take a pill, I feel like I get a quick rush of motivation, as if as soon as I swallow the pill, my brain says, "Okay, you took the meds, soon it should be kicking in, so GO!" Of course, the medicine hasn't kicked in yet, but it feels like my brain is having an anticipatory reaction to it. I was wondering if there was a way to somehow train myself to have this reaction to something that isn't medication, like doing a certain short task.

EDIT: Now, I know that that brief moment of "Let's do this thing!" isn't much compared to when the pills actually start working, but I have a thing about feeling uncomfortable taking meds, and I believe that if I can just get started on something, it would help a lot. Maybe if I can just harness that split-second feeling of "Okay, it's time to get shit done," I could at least start something, which would be quite a leap in progress for me.

Submitted December 02, 2017 at 10:45AM by Inkderp

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