Sunday 31 December 2017

[Tool] Earlier this year, I released a fitness app for the iPhone to help people learn to love jogging. I've released it for free through New Year's Day

Hey everyone,

Years ago (2011), I was almost 300 lbs, and was able to drop down to 190. I wanted to take my knowledge gained from my weight loss journey and help others.

In 2015, I finally felt comfortable enough to start tackling this project. After 1.5 years of teaching myself how to develop with Objective-C and Xcode, and financing $10k into the project, I finally released BOSS Running.

This year has been tough, and I've only made about $20 off of my 10K investment, but I keep plugging away at this app, updating it and maintaining - if anything, because it's a testament of what you can do if you set your mind to something, even if it doesn't turn out the way as you'd hoped. This little app did help me break my personal best in distance (which is now 18 miles non-stop!)

I wanted to share my hard work with you all. It's free through New Year's Day. I hope you guys like it.

EDIT: The app is free to download, and all in-app purchases are currently free as well (20 songs + all workouts)

Submitted December 31, 2017 at 01:47PM by anwserman

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