Sunday 29 October 2017

[Discussion] Procrastination is ruining me and nothing helps

My Problem: In both 9th and 10th grade, I would put assignments off until the day before they were due. It worked out fine most of the time, but it won't anymore. I was accepted into the South Carolina Governor's School for Science and Mathematics this year. This is a 2-year boarding school that is basically run like a college. It is one of the most difficult schools in SC. My grades used to be all or nearly all As. Now, I have 3 Bs and 3 Cs assuming they have not dropped any further. I have never had Cs before. This is all due to procrastination. I play computer games and hang out with friends instead of doing work. I am about 12 weeks/3 months into the year. Along with procrastination, I haven't paid attention in class. I often look at the board and get totally confused. I have been extremely sleep deprived. The worst part about it is that I don't do anything about it. I just look at motivational posts or try to apply rules in my life (which all ends in failure). I constantly tell my friends about my situation and they do what they can to motivate me. I never listen and end up wasting time. When I fail tests/quizzes or turn in work late, I feel horrible. The feeling goes away in a day or two and I end up wasting time again.

Overview of one situation I screwed up in: A 5 page essay was recently due and I wanted to start over from my terrible 3 page essay. I wrote an opening paragraph, corrupted the file, and turned it in to buy time (my teacher wouldn't be able to open it and tell me to resubmit it). I went to sleep after that because I had a Math quiz and Computer Science test the next day along with Chemistry HW that I didn't do. When I woke up in the morning, I copied my friends answers and turned it in as I had no idea how to do it myself. I studied for the test in the class before and I studied for the math quiz during lunch. I most likely failed the Computer Science test but probably did fine on the quiz. I have still not worked on the essay yet (still just an opening paragraph).

Further Details: I have tried so many things to change my habits and have failed over and over again. I need to force myself to change. I see geniuses all around me everyday who have all As, are amazing at sports, participate in all sorts of clubs, and have so many talents (playing instruments, singing, painting, cooking, dancing, chess, and so much more). Meanwhile, I have sub-par grades, no talent, and little club participation. It feels like I'm useless compared to them. I am at the most difficult point in my life so far and my dream college is MIT. My chances of getting in as I am now are very unlikely. I doubt I could get in even if I work hard from now on. Thank you for reading so far and please comment anything at all that might help. BTW I have used Reddit to browse through posts for about a year or two, but I recently made an account and this is my first post so I don't know if this was the right place/way to post this.

TLDR: I have been admitted in an extremely difficult boarding school and procrastination has ruined my grades. Please help.

Submitted October 30, 2017 at 01:25AM by rpscgssm

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