Sunday 29 October 2017

[Discussion] I’m using the next 3 months to structure my life and get rid of stress, how do I best go about this?

All right, so quick backstory first, my parents died in July 2015 & April 2016 (suicide & heart attack from the resulting stress). This means I’m an only child, now almost 24. After my father’s death I continued with my studies, completing my bachelor’s thesis this summer (with the highest marks, which I am very proud of). The plan was then to get into a prestigious school here in Denmark, which meant I took a bit less than 2/3 of a semester worth of credits during the summer. Sadly, I was even then, still missing some classes, but I was accepted at another university, with the intention of applying again next summer after taking the additional classes.

However, now that I’m into the semester and I got a fairly requiring job within my field in addition, I can feel that I’m just gassed out in my brain. I feel physically overworked, I started having a lot of anxiety and depressive tendencies, and my stress-threshold is abysmally shallow. Therefore, I have left my studies and my job is naturally ending around mid-November. I have been accepted into a so-called “high-school” here in Denmark from late January. It is a type of half-year boarding school for young adults 20-28 where you socialize, drink and delve into some type of education (philosophy for me) without any end-exams. All in all that means that I have from now until late January to give my mind a needed break, I will also be relaxing at the boarding-school, but I have to structure my own time until then.

The current plan is to incorporate some elements and routines into my daily life around which I can create a structure. Currently they are:

  • Working out 4x a week + some stretching
  • Guided meditation every morning for 10 minutes
  • Ending my shower in the morning with a couple of minutes full cold
  • Reading 4-6 hours a day (mainly philosophy)
  • Possibly swimming a couple of times per week
  • Less time spent on my phone and this God-forsaken site.
  • Eating more vegetables/fruits and getting to know more recipes
  • Getting to bed before midnight and waking up around 7. Also no screens after 22:00.
  • Flossing every night

On top of this, I’ll aim to set up a couple of social arrangements each week and such to keep me social. However, I am sure I’ll have a social overload at the boarding-school, so I’ll have my social requirements fulfilled then. Also I would have enjoyed to have set bike-rides out and such, but since Denmark in the winter is cold, wet and dark it is something I would rather arrange if the weather is for it, rather than force myself.

I have figured out that I relax the best when I feel that I “deserve” it after a day of work. Therefore, I hope that this plan can somewhat sufficiently fill my time and make me feel that I’m not just slagging off. The plan is just to live in a structured bubble where I get to just exist without much external stress.

What would you change, improve or add? Very curious to hear your input, thanks!

Submitted October 30, 2017 at 02:44AM by ThatDrunkViking

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