Sunday 4 June 2017

[Story] How I choose to live


  1. Pretext/Introduction

  2. Simple rules to follow

  3. Why

  4. Examples

1. The Reason I am writing this. I decided to write this after seeing a post about some one who had "completed their life goals" concluding with a decent job after high school. While I do not disagree with such an honest and valid goal as that, it is completely contrasting to my own goals and how I set about them to begin with. I am writing this not in hopes that enough people will read or enjoy it, but that it may help others cultivate their own thoughts and feelings into something more easily defined and understood.

2. Simple Rules to Follow The first rule is to never assume to understand anyone or anything. Critical thinking is necessary to seek the truth. In this rule is something of a sub-rule that you cannot disassociate from others because you do not understand them or they you, therefor all people are inherently the same.

The second rule is to always seek the truth. Ignorance is the greatest evil in our world.

The third rule is to not allow your emotions to interfere with decisions. Focus is important for control, and control is important for making decisions.

The fourth rule is to always, no matter what, side with the underdog. Sometimes doing what the underdog wants is not the moral or logical answer, but protecting them should always be the answer regardless.

The fifth rule is to be selfless. This is the only illogical rule. It is completely against our nature and does nothing to benefit us. However, should the environment be right, others around you will start to do the same and you will benefit immensely.

The sixth rule is the hardest to follow, and the most detrimental to mental health: prioritizing. Some times the truth in front of you won't help you or those around you, and you need to turn your attention to other truths. This can be painful, but it is better than letting something consume you.

The seventh rule is to relax.

3. This is why I believe in these rules wholeheartedly I have made many mistakes in my life, and in these mistakes I feel a somewhat stronger regret than some others. Even simple things like misplacing a comb needed to be ready on time in the morning tears me up inside until I can rectify it.

This being the case, I tend to think on my mistakes more often than others, and even on my successes as a compare and contrast. I tend to isolate myself just to think. It's become such a habit that it's one of my only comforts. These rules have helped me stop making the same mistakes, tried and true. Furthermore, just having them reassures me when I am insecure.

4. These are examples on applying the rules Setting goals: To seek the truth is a rule, therefor to understand all available knowledge is my inherent goal. I am self taught in trigonometry, art, and computer sciences because having a computer made it's applications readily available to me. This is true for other fields, as well; if you worked in retail as I have you would be interested in macro and micro economics, as well as consumer psychology, group psychology, and mob psychology. If you had experience in construction you would be interested in architecture, structural engineering, surface geology, mechanical engineering, and a menagerie of trade skills. Seeking the truth, and knowledge, can enrich your everyday life and productivity as well as give you ideas for the future.

Politics: Politics can consume you, refer to rule six in case of loss. The key to politics is multiple sources, but it can become exhausting to constantly search for new information on subjects not relevant to your situation. The great thing about it, though, is that there are doctors, professors, and scientists pumping out research on society, economic repercussions of policy, and history every day. I follow a few on twitter.

Social Life: My mother and my sister don't understand each other, and they don't understand that they don't understand each other. I maintain a friendly speaking terms relationship with both by doing what I can to help either even if it means criticizing their choices. Sometimes just being calm and focused is enough to have a positive effect on those around you.

Hope that gives you something to think about. Go out and start your infinite journey towards enlightenment, you're in control of how you choose to live.

Submitted June 05, 2017 at 12:49AM by doctorcrimson

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