Friday 30 June 2017

[discussion]Thank you guys for being there for me

Well I had posted last week about my broken heart but thank you guys for helping me pull through it maybe I would've brooded over it for far longer and after a week I feel way better. I was raised by parents who had insane expectations and were really tough on me and hated showing affection(they always wanted the best for me) in any form so started my depression and addiction to dota. Well the girl I had talked of about 2 years back became my best bud and really helped me in my studies and I felt like finally got love which I rarely got from my parents. Well I realize now she considered me her best bud and it would have been awful of me to destroy our friendship. Oh yeah I asked another really cool and pretty girl out for a drink and she said yes and thanks guys you really got me back on track.

Submitted July 01, 2017 at 08:53AM by Notsogoldencompany

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