Sunday 28 May 2017

[Story] Grew up with a terrible diet and never exercised or played sports. Got a wake up call my junior year of college. I graduated last month and leave for the Marines in a week.

I failed the fitness test in high school. I had never done a pull up ever and had an atrocious diet. I wanted to join but never did anything more than talk about it. Then one day a friend sent me an email he received from the local recruiter. I called that day and was told I would never make it due to my complete lack of physical fitness. They held group workouts five days a week which I began attending the next day. It's been an incredible journey. I went from being the least fit person I knew to one of the most physically prepared. I am more confident, healthier, and motivated for all my hard work. If you have a dream, stop talking and start doing. Success is built everyday while no one is watching. It's tiring, painful, and scary. Not trying is exhausting, agonizing, and terrifying. Whatever you've been putting off, you can do it!

Submitted May 29, 2017 at 07:53AM by Nunlist17

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