Saturday 19 May 2018

[Story] Winning takes a while.

Long story short, after 6 months of being a failure at work I am now one of the top performers thanks to two things:

1) showing up

2) Eagerness to learn and succeed.

I work in a fast paced sales environment where there is a lot of number crunching in front of the clients and where personality will literally close the sale for you.

For 5 months, I was below 50% of my objectives and I just wasn't "getting it". One day my boss schedule a weekend training session and instead of bitching about it I took it as an opportunity to learn and better myself.

My numbers started going up the following week.

This month, I am on pace to make over 7000$.

I wanted to quit so badly during those first 5 months of seeing my peers succeed and make tons of cash, I felt humiliated and stupid for not being able to close any sales. What really got to me is that I knew I had a very good personality for the job, I just wasn't "getting it" as they say. And I couldn't understand why some of my peers who have cold/bad personalities were making huge sales.

The point of my story is that it takes time to achieve success and you will want to quit 100000 times before succeeding even once. You just have to hang in there and eventually it will come.

I am getting emails from upper management saying how amazed they are and that I am a miracle. I literally went from a slug on the floor doing nothing to a top performer.

And on the outside, it seems like it literally happened overnight, but it was really the 5 months of hard work and dedication that made it happen.


Submitted May 19, 2018 at 04:19PM by willdill

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