I've learned that the most extraordinary changes in your own life are never really far away. They're always one conversation away, one car drive away, one plane ride or one book or one song or even one click away. You never know where they made hide but the fastest way to make one of those changes is to do something or try something you never have before, but you already knew that. In fact, you know a lot of things. You're reading a post on a website that's home to millions of people from around the world sharing bits and pieces of their lives and things they've come across on their journeys. You're here reading some of it, and I'm sure more of it somewhere else. Whether you know it or not every title, every post, every comment, every video, everything you see or hear plants a little seed in your mind, an idea. You read a quote or see a picture from this subreddit and you say "oh that's nice. I like that." and then you click away while the powerful concept you just read comes back to mind once...maybe twice and then the potential of that idea becomes unfulfilled. Why? You keep searching for the holy quote or pinnacle of human enlightenment that will forever shock you into the straight A student or employee of the year or world's greatest dad or savior of planet Earth. Some of you may be searching for it like it's water out in a barren desert. Let me tell you something. If you haven't found it yet, then there is no such thing.
I'm assuming we're here because we're looking to get a little push in our lives so that we can do the things that will make us happier. The title of this subreddit is called "Get Motivated". So I think it's safe to say that we're looking for motivation. You're not going to find it here, I promise you. Do you even know what the definition of motivation is? If not, I'll tell you: "The reason or reasons one has for acting or behaving in a particular way." To motivate somebody is to give them a reason, a motive for something. Motive is a term that we often hear on crime TV shows. "Why did this person want to kill the other guy? What was the motive?" Have you ever wanted to kill someone before? I have. I bet you wish you had that same drive to study or to workout at the gym as you did to punch that stranger who openly smacked your sister's butt or kicked your dog. (Reference John Wick) The point is is your not going to find that drive looking at a picture of a pretty sunset or mountain top with a quote from some philosopher or successful creator slapped on it. That shit didn't give Steve Jobs the motivation to launch Apple. Nor did it give George Washington and his army the motivation to endure the brutal winters of the Revolutionary War. It didn't give any Olympian the motivation to become a world class athlete, or any writer to produce a best selling book, or anybody even slightly happy with their position in life to obtain that position. If you want motivation, put down the phone and close the laptop and look around you. Look at the people you love, look at what you find beautiful in your immediate surroundings and off in the distance, close your eyes and look at life from where you wish you would rather be. Look at the beauty and passion and grace that surrounds that. Find your reason, your motive, and keep nurturing it by thinking about it. Kind of like how you have to water a seed for it to grow. Over time all the things that keep that reason from turning into a drive will start to weaken and fade away. Anything that begins to threaten your reason or goal will become a target that needs to be destroyed. Your reason could be family, friends, finding love, pursuing a passion, solving an issue, making yourself known to the world, making the world known to you, etc. Whatever your reason is, DO NOT LET THAT SEED DIE. Don't let it die like how that motivational poster or video died from your memory 30 seconds after you closed it.
Let me tell you one more thing. After you've found your reason and after you've started working towards your goals, move slow. Move slow because one of the biggest discouragers is to move so quickly that everything becomes a blur and unsatisfying. Like how seeing each individual blade of grass becomes impossible after you've exceeded a certain speed, and each blade brings a world of fortune that you miss. Slow down and master what you already have and already know, and you already know a lot. Then you can move on from there. You do that by taking those concepts you've already learned from all those quotes, books, songs, speeches, people, lessons and everything, and you repeatedly practice and improve them until they become an inseparable part of you. If you find the right reason(s) and grow them, you won't need to "get motivated", you'll be motivated for as long as those reasons stay important enough in your mind.
You already know what you have to do, you just have to get good at it.
Submitted January 01, 2018 at 01:20PM by FireAfterDark http://ift.tt/2lAJt6m
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