Sunday, 29 October 2017

[Discussion] motiv to live after death of partner

So as the title says my partner very recently died and I'm struggling to think of reasons to be alive. I'm very young and have my whole life ahead of me so to speak but to me it's useless without my love, he was my everything and all I ever wanted was a future with him but now I don't see any point in doing things except for immediate gratification. I'm at uni at the moment but struggling to see any point in it because to me it was always to create a good life and future for me and my partner but now I don't see the point anymore. I dont know for certain what happens after we die, it may be nothing but if he is waiting for me somewhere I don't see any reason to delay being with him again. I'm not suicidal as such I just don't have any motivation to live, like if I were suddenly very ill I wouldn't care. I don't know what I'm hoping to achieve from this post except maybe just some advice on how to find a little purpose to life once again maybe? Sorry for the ramble but thanks if you made it this far.

Submitted October 30, 2017 at 06:09AM by AutieCass1997

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