Wednesday 26 July 2017

[Text] "no one cares about your problems. They only care about what you do to solve them. your actions are always in your control, no one else can change that."

This is indeed a bit crude, but I found it rather true in my life. The quote goes on to tell about how if you want something fixed to better or help your self, the best way to show people is by what you do to fix it, not by making excuses. This quote was told to me by a coach of mine, and it put into perspective that actions show much more than anything. I hope no one takes this for some thing other than to motivate, just here to spread some quotes I heard and like :)

EDIT: Title did not keep caps, I have not posted to Reddit in some time. I apologize for the lack of capitalization in title.

Submitted July 27, 2017 at 12:46AM by BlakeIsFat

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